Kousha Ghodsizad

Senior Software Engineer

Email: kousha@iraven.io

Phone: +31 6 47 15 49 99

Web: iraven.io

About Me

Hi, my name’s Kousha and I am an experienced senior software engineer with a strong skill set in technical analysis, system development, and problem-solving. I thrive independently and in teams, enjoy learning and sharing knowledge with colleagues, and excel at tackling complex challenges to deliver immediate value to your company.

I am most development skilled in: GO PHP Python SQL and NoSQL

and most DevOps skilled in: Docker Kubernetes Terraform and AWS

+10 years of experience in software development.

+4 years of experience in Management.

+3 years of experience in DevOps.



Senior Software Engineer

Amsterdam - May 2022- Present.


Identify and resolve codebase and database performance issues, resulting in a 40% improvement in overall performance.

• Collaborated with the Platform team to improve website performance and enhance crawler friendliness to improve our overall service.

• Collaboration with the DevOps team to integrate monitoring tools with local, staging, and production environments to improve system observability.

• Identify and resolve codebase and database performance issues, resulting in a 40% improvement in overall performance.

• Developed GitHub CI/CD pipelines for both SEO and performance tests for the core project

• Holding a workshop on system performance analysis and improvement.

Tech stack: Go · DevOps · PHP · Python · Laravel · MySQL · OOP · TDD · SQL · Redis · Kubernetes · Terraform · AWS.


Senior Software Engineer / Team Lead

Istanbul - April 2021- May 2022.


Led a comprehensive overhaul of the HR system, introduced a new Expanse Management module, developed microservices for large-scale data handling.

• Led the development and refactoring of the HR system, employing Test-Driven Development (TDD) and leveraging technologies such as Laravel, PHP, PostgreSQL, Modular Architecture, Domain-Driven Design (DDD), Redis, RabbitMQ, and AWS.

• Spearheaded the creation of the Expanse Management module, utilizing Laravel, PostgreSQL, and AWS, to enhance operational efficiency and streamline processes.

• Developed and implemented a series of Microservices dedicated to managing large-scale data imports and exports. Utilized Node.js, Golang, Kubernetes, Elasticache, Amazon S3, Simple Queue Service (SQS), and AWS Lambda to ensure robustness and scalability.

• Engineered a scalable queue handler with integration to Slack, effectively managing failure messages within the queue and providing real-time reporting. Employed TDD, Laravel, PHP, SQS, AWS, Golang, and Kubernetes to achieve seamless functionality and enhanced system performance.

Tech stack: Go · Microservice · Kubernetes · PHP · Laravel · GraphQL · OOP · Design Patterns · TDD · ElasticSearch · Redis · AWS.

Wingie Enuygun Group

Senior Software Engineer / Team Lead

Istanbul - MAy 2020 - Apr 2021.


Successfully mentored and collaborated with the Hotel team to maintain and integrate the system with new providers.

• Collaborated and mentor the Hotel team to maintain and integrate the system with new providers.

• Improved the team’s testing culture by organizing multilayer testing workshops to establish a strong TDD culture.

• Enhanced the product search by optimizing the ElasticSearch index and implementing a data pipeline to improve the data indexing process.

• Developed and designed a provider hub using Go and gRPC to manage concurrent requests to providers, fetch hotel data, and parse it to our contracts.

• Integrated multiple hotel providers, including Webbeds, OtelZ, and Juniper, into the product

• Developed a content caching manager microservice for providers and created an automated cache rate management system based on cache Hit and Mis Rates.

• Designed and developed a new queue manager service to improve system compatibility with GRPC. The service automates failed message retries and provides live reports of the queue status.

• Successfully migrated the production cache cluster from Redis to AWS ElastiCache without any data loss

• Resolved a log system architecture issue causing high traffic in Kubernetes pods, allowing us to reduce pod size.

• Migrated product database cluster from master-slave clustering to Galera cluster with zero data loss rate.

Tech stack: Go · PHP · Microservices · Hexagonal Architecture · Symfony · Leadership · AWS · DevOps · OOP · TDD · Design Patterns · Big Data · MySQL · MongoDB · Kubernetes· Docker .


Senior Software Engineer

Istanbul - May 2019 - Apr 2020.


Separated the email delivery and track services from the main product, designing it with microkernel architecture and hexagonal strategy.

• Responsible for the newsletter product maintenance and refactoring process, working with one senior developer and 6 mid-level developers.

• Separated the product panel from the main product, redesigning it with microkernel architecture and repository-service strategy.

• Fixed all security issues in the Newsletter product and made it compatible with Huawei standards.

• Redesigned email delivery and tracking service from PHP Loman to Go Microservice Architecture.

• Migrated old product data from MySQL to Apache Cassandra and ClickHouse with zero data loss rate.

• Migrated Queue from SQS to RabbitMQ, improving message size from 256 KB to 120 MB.

• Developed a robust A-B testing system for the Newsletter service, enabling data-driven decision-making and improving overall email campaign effectiveness.

• Developed Newsletter RSS service,providing users with a convenient way to receive updates and streamlining content distribution.

• Created an Email Spam Check service to identify and prevent spam emails, enhancing the deliverability and reputation of the Newsletter service.

Tech stack: Go · PHP · Laravel · KAFKA · AWS · Kubernetes · DevOps · TDD · OOP · Design Patterns · MySQL · MongoDB · Leadership · Redis · Cassandra · Clickhouse.


Senior Software Engineer / Head of development

Tehran Aug 2015 - Apr 2019.


Successfully expanded the development team and developed new products for Bamilo.

• Started as the head of the development (TDR) team and expanded the team to develop new products.

• Developed a Performance Management Portal (PMP) System for Bamilo Warehouse, providing a centralized platform to monitor, analyze, and optimize warehouse operations for improved efficiency and productivity.

• Designed and implemented the Bamilo New Seller Center System, offering a comprehensive and user-friendly platform for sellers to manage their products, orders, and customer interactions, ultimately enhancing the overall marketplace experience.

• Migrated all Seller Center products to new ones by generating an online data pipeline in Kafka with zero data loss.

• Developed a package delivery management and tracking service, which monitored all delivery personnel around the country and suggested the best-optimized route map.

• Solved the data collusion issue on the main product inventory stock check service by developing a product-based load balancer microservice.

Tech stack: Go · Microservice · PHP · Laravel · OOP · Design Patterns · TDD · ElasticSearch · Redis · MySQL · MongoDB · Cassandra · RabbitMQ· Kubernetes.

Sepehr Mahan Tech

Senior Software Engineer

Tehran Aug 2012 - Jul 2015.


Collaborated with internal teams to create an innovative suggestion system for private organizations, streamlining communication and fostering innovation.

• Collaborated with internal teams to create an innovative suggestion system for private organizations, streamlining communication and fostering innovation.

• Designed a user-friendly task management solution for private organizations, enhancing productivity and workflow efficiency.

• Developed a custom social network for organizations using PHP-Fox, prioritizing collaboration, privacy, and security.

• Built a form builder and workflow module for PHP-Fox, simplifying data collection and process automation with an intuitive interface.

• Created a mobile application API for seamless PHP-Fox social network integration, ensuring compatibility across devices and operating systems.

• Constructed a task list management system for government organizations, improving efficiency, accountability, and reporting capabilities.

• Developed a meeting management system for government organizations,optimizing scheduling, resource allocation,and seamless coordination with existing tools.

Tech stack: Linux · PHP · JavaScript · Python · Node.js · SQL · MySQL · Redis · MongoDB · RabbitMQ · Design Patterns · OOP · Teamwork.


Pepper.com - The World's Largest Deal Community

Senior Software Engineer / Associated with KolayIK

Remote / Berlin 2021 - 2022

Ensured microservices' security by checking and rehabilitating them against hacking attacks.

• Collaborated with the Supernova and Microservice teams to develop new features and maintain the product and services.

• Redesigned and developed the deal submission, product listing, and product detail pages using GraphQL.

• Developed a GDPR-compliant image microservice that applies requested filters and can handle over 5,000 unique images per minute using 20 instances.

• Checking and rehabilitating microservices against hacking attacks.

• Improved the functionality of our microservices near cache by customizing loadbalancing.

Tech stack: Go · Microservice · Kubernetes · PHP · Laravel · GraphQL · OOP · Design Patterns · TDD · ElasticSearch · Redis · AWS.


Islamic Azad University

BSc Computer Software Engineering

2011 - 2015

Designing Innovative GIS & GPS-based Android Apps: A Study of the Research and Development Process and its Impact on User Satisfaction

This research study examined the research and development process for designing innovative GIS & GPS-based Android apps and its impact on user satisfaction. The study involved researching and analyzing trends in GIS & GPS technology, collaborating with a multidisciplinary team to develop and test app concepts, and gathering user feedback to inform app improvements. The study findings can inform future GIS & GPS-based app design and development, as well as contribute to the academic community’s understanding of the impact of the research and development process on user satisfaction.

Islamic Azad University

ASc Computer Programming

2008 - 2011

Enhancing Search and Rescue Robot Performance through Algorithmic Innovations: A Study of the Development, Testing, and Implementation of Novel Algorithms for Router Robots

This research study investigated the development, testing, and implementation of novel algorithms for router robots in search and rescue (SAR) scenarios. The study focused on optimizing search efficiency, obstacle avoidance, and communication to enhance SAR robot performance. The research involved assessing existing algorithms, exploring potential enhancements, and collaborating with robotics developers to implement improvements. The study findings can inform future SAR robot design and development, as well as contribute to the academic community’s knowledge of algorithmic innovations for SAR robots.

A Little More About Me

Alongside my interests in software engineering and DevOps some of my other interests and hobbies are:

  • Professional Chess Player
  • Rock Climbing
  • Running
  • Hiking